The Rabbi Sacks Legacy announces the launch of the second cohort of the Sacks Scholars, a programme designed to delve deeply into the inspirational teachings of Rabbi Sacks and support those bringing his message to communities around the world.
Building upon the resounding success of its initial cohort, this immersive programme brings together senior educators, academics, and communal leaders from across the globe who have been selected through a robust nomination and interview process.
The Scholars – who hail from the US, the UK, Israel, Australia, Canada, South Africa and Mexico – will gather for a retreat in Jerusalem and gain exclusive access to prominent Israel-based leaders while building a strong cohort-based community. They will also engage in monthly online seminars facilitated by outstanding leaders, and will also be offered personalised mentorship opportunities.
Throughout the programme each Scholar will design and implement a project that brings Rabbi Sacks’ insights to new audiences and communities worldwide.
Rabbi Jeremy Bruce, Director of the Sacks Scholars programme, said: “The Sacks Scholars programme is an innovative initiative that ensures Rabbi Sacks’ teachings endure as a living legacy, perpetuating his timeless messages while adapting them to resonate with contemporary audiences.”
The second cohort of 20 Sacks Scholars are:
- Daniel Bonner (Executive Director, Paul E. Singer Foundation, NY)
- Matti Borowski (Deputy Principal, Mount Scopus Memorial College, Melbourne)
- Chaya Cowen (Head of Learning & Teaching, Beth Rivkah Ladies College, Melbourne)
- Rabbi Elchonon Feldman (Senior Rabbi, Bushey United Synagogue, UK)
- Aryeh Grossman (Director of Development, Koren Jerusalem, Israel)
- Rabbanit Karen Miller Jackson (Educator and Author, Matan, Ra’anana, Israel)
- Rabbi Jonathan Knapp (Head of School, Yavneh Academy, Teaneck, NJ)
- Rabbi Anthony Knopf (Rabbi, Congregation Beth Ora, Montreal)
- Rabbi Dr Reuven Leigh (Director, Chabad of Cambridge, UK)
- Dr Jonathan Levy (Head of School, TanenbaumCHAT, Toronto)
- Rabbi Matt Marks (Head of Community Engagement, Brighton & Hove Jewish Community, UK)
- Rabbanit Sarah Sharman Moser (Educator and Researcher, Israel)
- Barnaby Nemko (Director of Community Life, United Synagogue, UK)
- Rabbi Benjy Rickman (Head of Kodesh, King David High School, Manchester)
- Debra Shaffer Seeman (Network Weaver, Prizmah, Atlanta)
- Rabbi Sion Setton (Principal, Yeshivah Prep High School, NY)
- Dr Malka Simkovich (Academic and Educator, Chicago)
- Rabbi Isaac Sitt (Head of Or HaChaim School, Mexico City)
- Ilana Stein (Lecturer, The Academy of Jewish Thought, Johannesburg)
- Dr Yosefa (Fogel) Wruble (Lecturer and Podcaster, Migdal Oz Bet Midrash and Matan, Israel)